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Opinion Date Topic Summary
1-76 Mar 19 Opinion letter to the Honorable Richard M. Webster
3-76 May 19 Opinion letter to Mr. Theodore L. Johnson
4-76 Dec 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable James Millan
5-76 Jan 26 Opinion letter to the Honorable Jerold L. Drake
The Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974 authorizes the Director of Revenue to approve all salary increases for employees of the Missouri Highway Reciprocity Commission.
7-76 Jan 19 Opinion letter to Mr. John Brawley
8-76 5 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
10-76 Jan 14 Opinion letter to Mr. William J. Raftery
11-76 Jan 20 Opinion letter to Mr. Alan C.
12-76 Feb 3 Opinion letter to the Honorable Ronald L. Boggs
14-76 Jan 28 Opinion letter to the Honorable Jim Arnold
15-76 Feb 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable Frank
16-76 Jan 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable Wesley A. Miller
17-76 Aug 20 Opinion letter to Mr. J. Nielsen
19-76 5 STATE TREASURER. The State Treasurer is authorized to invest through repurchase agreements in United States obligations payable within one year those moneys not needed for current operating expenses and that are available for less than thirty days. The obligations must be kept by the State Treasurer in the manner provided in Section 30.270(2), V.A.M.S.
21-76 Jan 19 STATE AUDITOR.
The State Auditor is not authorized to audit the Kansas City Philharmonic Association.
22-76 Oct 26 Opinion letter to Mr. Michael D. Garrett
25-76 Feb 3 Opinion letter to the Honorable Paul L. Bradshaw
26-76 Feb 3 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
27-76 Feb 11 Opinion letter to the Honorable James F. McHenry
29-76 June 18 Opinion letter to Mr. Lawrence L. Graham
30-76 Feb 11 Opinion letter to the Honorable Robert S. Drake, Jr.
31-76 Feb 4 Opinion letter to the Honorable Christopher S. Bond
32-76 Withdrawn
33-76 Mar 29 Opinion letter to the Honorable Bud Fendler
34-76 Feb 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable Emory Melton
36-76 Feb 27 Opinion letter to The Honorable Bob F. Griffin
37-76 Feb 24 Opinion letter to the Honorable John W. , II
38-76 Withdrawn
39-76 Mar 10 COMPENSATION.
Federal revenue sharing funds received by McDonald County may not be used to supplement the compensation of deputy county collectors.
40-76 Feb 11 Opinion letter to the Honorable Donald L. Manford
41-76 May 18 Opinion letter to Mr. Michael D. Garrett
42-76 Mar 8 Opinion letter to the Honorable Richard J. DeCoster
45-76 Mar 8 Opinion letter to Mr. Lawrence L. Graham
46-76 Mar 10 Opinion letter to the Honorable Steve Vossmeyer
47-76 Mar 16 Opinion letter to the Honorable Steve Vossmeyer
48-76 Feb 25 STATE AUDITOR.
The Land Reutilization Authority of the City of St. Louis (Sections 92.700-92.920, V.A.M.S.) is an office within the “political subdivision” of the City of St. Louis, as the term is used in Section 29.230.2, RSMo, and, therefore, the State Auditor is authorized to include it within his audit of the City of St. Louis.
49-76 May 4 Opinion letter to Mr. Alfred C. Sikes
50-76 June 3 BARBERS.
A licensed barber may arrange, dress, curl, singe, wave, permanent wave, cleanse, cut, bleach, tint, or color hair as a normal incident of dressing hair.
51-76 Feb 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable Bockenkamp
52-76 14 Opinion letter to Mr. Warren M. Black
53-76 20 COUNTY COURT.
A county court has authority to employ secretarial, clerical, and administrative personnel, to establish a data processing department under its control, and to employ personnel to staff that department as may be indispensably necessary for the discharge of the duties of the county court in the management of county business in the absence of a statutory provision vesting the functions to be performed by such personnel in the county clerk or some other county officer.
54-76 Mar 8 Opinion letter to the Honorable Walter L. Meyer
55-76 Mar 16 Opinion letter to the Honorable Michael L. Shortridge
56-76 Mar 19 APPROPRIATIONS. Section 23, Article IV, Constitution of Missouri, does not require that an appropriation must be stated as a specific dollar amount but only requires that the amount be capable of ascertainment; and, therefore, so-called “open-ended” appropriations, as illustrated by Sections 4.265 and 4.595 of House Bill No. 4, First Regular Session, General Assembly, and Section 6.050 of House Bill No. 6, First Regular Session, General Assembly, are valid. Furthermore, the practice of stating estimated amounts with “open-ended” appropriations, as illustrated by Section 4.265 of House Bill No. 4, First Regular Session, General Assembly, does not constitute maximum limitations which must be adhered to.
57-76 Mar 18 SCHOOLS.
Article X, Section 11 of the Missouri Constitution does not authorize special school districts to levy taxes at the rates established therein absent legislation conferring upon special school districts that authority. Section 162.920, RSMo Supp. 1973, establishes twenty-five cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation as the maximum tax levy that special school districts may assess without voter approval. That rate may be increased with voter approval in the manner provided in Chapter 164, RSMo.
58-76 Oct 5 STATE AUDITOR.
To the extent that the proposed financial management and control system (SAM) involves the establishing of a system of accounting for public officials of the state of Missouri, the responsibility for designing and requiring the implementation of that accounting system rests solely with the State Auditor pursuant to the provisions of Article IV, Section 13, Missouri Constitution 1945. Those aspects of SAM not fairly included within the term “systems of accounting,” as used in Article IV, Section 13, would be the responsibility of the Commissioner of Administration.
59-76 Mar 10 Opinion letter to the Honorable Norman L. Merrell
60-76 Oct 5 STATE AUDITOR.
To the extent that the proposed financial management and control system (SAM) involves the establishing of a system of accounting for public officials of the state of Missouri, the responsibility for designing and requiring the implementation of that accounting system rests solely with the State Auditor pursuant to the provisions of Article IV, Section 13, Missouri Constitution 1945. Those aspects of SAM not fairly included within the term “systems of accounting,” as used in Article IV, Section 13, would be the responsibility of the Commissioner of Administration.
62-76 May 13 STATE FUNDS.
The State Treasurer has the authority to look beyond the face of revenue transmittals to determine to what fund the monies should be credited. If the Treasurer determines that a state agency has not designated the proper fund, he may request the agency to submit a corrective revenue transmittal.
63-76 Withdrawn
64-76 Mar 17 Opinion letter to the Honorable James N. Foley
65-76 Mar 18 Opinion letter to Mr. James R. Spradling
67-76 Mar 18 Opinion letter to the Honorable Steve Gardner
68-76 Mar 29 Opinion letter to the Honorable Al Nilges
69-76 15 PERMITS.
A city or county which holds a certificate of authority granted by the Missouri Air Conservation Commission pursuant to Section 203.140, RSMo Supp. 1973, may require that a permit or other approval be obtained from such city or county before a state agency may construct an air contaminant source within the boundaries of that city or county.
71-76 Mar 29 Opinion letter to the Honorable John T. Russell
74-76 May 25 Opinion letter to Mr. J. Nielsen
-76 June 28 Opinion letter to Mr. J. Nielsen
75-76 Nov 23 Opinion letter to Mr. J. Nielsen
76-76 Oct 27 TAXATION (SALES & USE). The Missouri Director of Revenue is not authorized to impose penalties and/or interest in addition to sales or use tax as provided in the sales tax statutes, Sections 144.010 to 144.510, RSMo 1969, on those individuals who fail to apply for a certificate of ownership on a newly acquired automobile within thirty days from the date of purchase, as required by Section 301.190, RSMo 1969. The only penalty collectible, if the certificate of ownership is not applied for within thirty days from the date of purchase, is that provided for in Section 301.190(3), RSMo, i.e., a penalty of five dollars for each month or fraction of a month of delinquency not to exceed twenty-five dollars.
77-76 July 13 SCHOOLS. In determining the “total amounts received by school districts under the provisions of this section” as required by subsection 8 of Section 163.031 the State Board of Education must take into account for any district entitled thereto the protection afforded by subsection 4 of Section 163.031.
78-76 Withdrawn
79-76 May 19 Opinion letter to the Honorable Daniel J. O’Toole
The school district of residence of a handicapped child’s parents or guardian must pay to the Department of Mental Health the local tax effort per child of that district when the handicapped child has been admitted to the programs or facilities of the Department. If a district is billed by the Department of Mental Health and there is a dispute over whether the child’s parents live in the billed district, the dispute between the district and the Department should be resolved within the ninety-day period provided in Section 162.970, RSMo Cum. Supp. 1975. After the expiration of the ninety-day period, all delinquent districts should be certified by the Department of Mental Health to the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education, in reliance on that certification, should deduct from subsequent payments of state aid to the delinquent district the amount owed to the Department and remit that amount to the Department of Mental Health.
81-76 May 20 STATE AUDITOR.
(1) The Bi-State Development Agency of the Missouri-Illinois Metropolitan District and the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority of the Kansas City Area Transportation District should not be included within the scope of an audit of the Missouri Department of Transportation, conducted pursuant to Section 29.200, RSMo. (2) The Missouri-St. Louis Metropolitan Airport Authority should be included within the scope of an audit of the Missouri Department of Transportation, conducted pursuant to Section 29.200, RSMo. (3) The Missouri-Tennessee Bridge Commission, the Missouri-Illinois (Canton) Bridge Commission, the Missouri-Illinois (. Genevieve) Bridge Commission, and the Missouri-Illinois-Jefferson-Monroe Bridge Commission should not be included within the scope of an audit of the Missouri Department of Transportation, conducted pursuant to Section 29.200, RSMo.
82-76 June 28 Opinion letter to the Honorable Robert A. Young
83-76 7 Opinion letter to the Honorable Russell Goward
84-76 Withdrawn
85-76 May 5 Opinion letter to Mr. W. Dale Burke
86-76 14 Opinion letter to the Honorable Clarence H. Heflin
92-76 Dec 9 JUDGMENTS.
Chapter 303, RSMo, requires the Director of Revenue to suspend a person’s driver’s license and registration upon receipt of a certified copy of a final judgment pursuant to Sections 303.090, 303.100, and 303.110, RSMo 1969, when said judgment is rendered against that person by a court of competent jurisdiction of any state or of the United States as a result of a claim for damages arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle. There is no statutory requirement that the injury giving rise to said claim must either occur in this state or on the public highways and streets of this state.
93-76 June 24 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
96-76 May 12 Opinion letter to the Honorable Earl L. Schlef
98-76 June 28 Opinion letter to the Honorable Charles J. Becker
99-76 June 1 Opinion letter to the Honorable John E. Scott
The Division of Corrections may not deposit the personal funds of inmates in a savings account in a bank and then use the interest generated therefrom to pay the maintenance costs of such an account and to deposit the remainder in an inmate canteen fund.
The Department of Public Safety has no authority to spend any of the moneys appropriated in Section 16.320, House Bill No. 16, Second Regular Session, General Assembly.
102-76 June 8 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
103-76 Sept 8 SUNSHINE LAW.
The St. Louis Republican Central Committee is a “public governmental body” as defined in Section 610.010(2), RSMo Supp. 1975, and is therefore subject to the open meeting requirement of that law.
104-76 May 5 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
105-76 May 5 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
106-76 May 5 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
107-76 May 25 Opinion letter to Mr. James R. Spradling
108-76 May 25 Opinion letter to the Honorable Schnatmeier
109-76 May 25 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
110-76 June 7 COUNTY JUDGE.
A presiding judge of a county of the first class not having a charter form of government and not containing all or part of a city having a population of five hundred thousand inhabitants is required to devote his full time to the duties of his office under Section 49.080, RSMo Supp. 1975, but that such requirement does not mean that such officer is precluded from having other after-hours employment where such other employment does not conflict with, impair, or interfere with the performance of such officer’s duties as presiding judge. County officers do not hold “part time” positions. They are required by law to personally devote their time to the performance of the duties of their offices. However, consistent with this requirement and unless otherwise prohibited by law, county officers may occupy other offices and engage in other activities which are compatible and not in conflict.
111-76 Withdrawn
112-76 June 21 INSURANCE. 1. Insurance companies are required to pay a filing fee pursuant to Section 374.230(6), RSMo, for documents filed with the Director of the Division of Insurance pursuant to Sections 376.405, 376.675, 376.777, RSMo 1969 and Section 379.321, RSMo 1975 Supp.; 2. The filing fee imposed by Section 374.230(6) is for each document and not each page of each document; and 3. The filing fee paid pursuant to Section 374.230(6) is not, pursuant to Section 148.400, deductible from the premium tax payable by such companies.
113-76 July 28 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
114-76 Aug 4 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
115-76 June 28 Opinion letter to Mr. Lawrence L. Graham
116-76 June 25 COUNTY COURT.
Under Section 49.070, RSMo, a majority of the judges of the county court constitute a quorum to transact business; and it is only when one associate judge is absent and the presiding judge and one associate judge are sitting for the transaction of business and they disagree on the matter submitted to them that the decision of the presiding judge shall stand as the decision of the court.
117-76 June 4 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
A marriage entered into by an inmate, while under sentence to the Missouri Department of Corrections, is valid if entered into pursuant to the law of Missouri, particularly Chapter 451, RSMo 1969, and may be dissolved in accordance with Chapter 452, RSMo Supp. 1975.
120-76 July 12 Opinion letter to Mr. James L. Wilson
The work of individuals, who perform duties for the Department of Higher Education, under work-release or work-internship programs, should be computed against the staff limitation contained in Section 6.2 of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974.
123-76 Aug 16 Opinion letter to the Honorable James I. Spainhower
124-76 June 11 Opinion letter to the Honorable Donald L. Manford
126-76 Withdrawn
128-76 July 8 CORPORATIONS.
A bank or other financial corporation acting as a trustee, as an executor, or in some other fiduciary capacity exercising control over agricultural land, must file reports with the Director of the Missouri State Department of Agriculture pursuant to Section 350.030, RSMo Supp. 1975.
129-76 July 6 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH. The Director of the Department of Mental Health, as appointed by the Mental Health Commission and confirmed by the Senate, is not required to be a physician competent in the field of mental health, administration, and program planning.
130-76 July 6 Opinion letter to the Honorable John W. Buechner
131-76 July 14 Opinion letter to the Honorable Edward C. Graham
132-76 July 14 AMBULANCES.
An ambulance district created under the provisions of Sections 190.005, et seq., RSMo Supp. 1975, is authorized to employ private legal counsel.
133-76 July 8 ELECTIONS.
A ballot for a political party at the August Primary may contain more than one column so long as all the candidates for any office are listed in one column.
134-76 Aug 6 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
135-76 Aug 4 Opinion letter to the Honorable Hardin C.
136-76 July 28 Opinion letter to the Honorable Jack C. Bauer
138-76 July 14 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
139-76 July 21 Opinion letter to the Honorable David L. Zerrer
140-76 Nov 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable Steve Lampo
141-76 Aug 6 STATE FUNDS.
Income earned from investment of money in the Workmen’s Compensation Fund, Section 287.710, RSMo, is required to be credited to that fund.
144-76 July 27 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
145-76 Aug 31 MOTOR VEHICLES. Section 2 of House Bill 1514, General Assembly, Second Regular Session, which provides that vehicles engaged in transporting solid waste as defined by Section 260.200, RSMo, between a city and a solid waste disposal area or solid waste processing facility approved by the Department of Natural Resources may operate with a weight not to exceed 22,400 pounds on one axle means that such weight is to be calculated per axle and the weight limitations imposed by Section 304.180, RSMo, are not applicable to such vehicles.
146-76 Aug 17 COUNTIES.
Under Section 49.370, RSMo, the county court shall designate the place on which county buildings are to be erected at the seat of justice, and under Section 49.380, RSMo, the superintendent of county buildings appointed under Section 49.330, RSMo, has the authority to select a place anywhere within the corporate limits of the town known as the county seat if there is no suitable ground for the purpose intended belonging to the county within the limits of the original town known as the established seat of justice.
147-76 Withdrawn
148-76 Oct 2 Opinion letter to the Honorable George E. Murray
149-76 Oct 6 TAXATION (SALES & USE). The Director of Revenue does not have the right or duty to grant a use tax exemption in the case in which an individual transfers motor vehicles to a corporation in which he owns one hundred percent of the stock and the corporation assumes the outstanding liability on said motor vehicles.
150-76 Oct 6 DENTISTS. A graduate of a foreign dental school is qualified for examination and registration as a dentist in the state of Missouri under the provisions of Section 332.131, RSMo, only if the school is certified by the American Dental Association.
152-76 Sept 22 Opinion letter to Col. Theodore D. McNeal
153-76 Aug 16 Opinion letter to the Honorable Jack E. Gant
The Missouri State Council on the Arts may contract with artists for workshops, lectures, demonstrations, performances and art objects without violating Article , Section 38(a) of the Missouri Constitution.
156-76 Aug 18 CLEAN WATER.
The initial responsibility for issuing Clean Water Commission permits under Section 204.051, RSMo Supp. 1975, rests with the Director of the Department of Natural Resources acting in his capacity of administering Department of Natural Resources programs relating to environmental control and executing policies established by the Clean Water Commission.
159-76 Dec 21 INSURANCE. The requirements of Section 379.120, RSMo Supp. 1975, apply to insurers canceling automobile insurance policies which have been in effect for less than sixty days.
160-76 Nov 23 Opinion letter to the Honorable James L. Russell
161-76 Sept 8 Opinion letter to Mr. Alfred C. Sikes
163-76 Aug 16 Opinion letter to the Honorable John T. Russell
164-76 Sept 28 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory
166-76 Withdrawn
167-76 Withdrawn
168-76 Nov 12 COUNTIES.
The provision in subsection 4 of Section 50.540, RSMo, of the County Budget Law which requires a unanimous vote of the county court to approve an unforeseen emergency transfer of funds from the emergency fund to another appropriation means that both judges must so vote if only two judges are present and that if all three judges are present, a yes vote by all three judges or a yes vote by two judges and silence by one judge constitutes a unanimous vote.
169-76 Aug 30 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
171-76 Sept 7 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
176-76 Sept 28 Opinion letter to Mr. J. Nielsen
178-76 Nov 10 SCHOOLS. Contracting school districts are obligated to pay the tuition fee prescribed in Section 178.510, RSMo, for those nonpublic school pupils residing within their boundaries who are over the age of 16 years and who desire to attend area vocational schools on a part-time basis.
179-76 Oct 5 ELECTIONS.
Any registered voter in a county coming within the purview of Chapter 114, RSMo Supp. 1975, who changes his address prior to the closing of voter registration for a particular election, must apply to the county clerk and have his voter registration changed as provided for in Section 114.016, RSMo Supp. 1975, in order for him to vote in that election and he is not permitted to vote in the polling place where he formerly resided.
180-76 Sept 25 ELECTIONS.
No legal vacancy exists under Section 120.550, RSMo, when an ineligible person files for and is purportedly nominated as the candidate for the office of county district judge and thereafter resigns such purported nomination and therefore a party committee has no legal authority to fill such purported vacancy.
182-76 Withdrawn
184-76 Withdrawn
185-76 Sept 29 STATE AUDITOR.
Money may be disbursed from an appropriation for a subsequent fiscal year to pay for goods and services received and which constituted a legal claim in a previous fiscal year, if the subject matter of payment is otherwise within the purpose of the appropriation. A special appropriation, expressly for the purpose of satisfying the debt, is not, therefore, the only means of payment for such legal debt.
State funds may lawfully be distributed to public school districts in order to defray part of the cost of transporting children to and from public schools.
187-76 Sept 21 STATE AUDITOR.
Section 29.280 determines the manner in which a vacancy in the office of State Auditor will be filled. Pursuant to that section the Governor is required to appoint a successor to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
188-76 Oct 5 Opinion letter to the Honorable R. L. Usher
189-76 Nov 15 Opinion letter to the Honorable Donald L. Manford
190-76 Nov 30 Opinion letter to the Honorable George Dames
191-76 Oct 19 Opinion letter to the Honorable Larry Mead
192-76 Withdrawn
195-76 Nov 23 MOTOR VEHICLES.
1. The Director of Public Safety has the authority to approve or disapprove the use of the Deceleration Alert System on motor vehicles in this state pursuant to the provisions of Section 307.030, RSMo 1969. 2. The use of the Deceleration Alert System on motor vehicles operated within this state would not violate any laws of the state of Missouri.
198-76 Oct 13 Opinion letter to the Honorable W. E. Lewis
199-76 Oct 13 Opinion letter to Mr. Alan C.
200-76 Dec 21 LIBRARIES.
In cases where the boundaries of a municipal library district do not encompass the entire city in which it is located, the trustees of the municipal library district must be residents of such district.
203-76 Oct 19 Opinion letter to the Honorable Emory Melton
208-76 Dec 1 Opinion letter to the Honorable E. Hunter, Jr.
211-76 Oct 26 Opinion letter to the Honorable Vernon Betz
216-76 Nov 12 ELECTIONS.
When a candidate for associate county judge is nominated at the August primary and attempts to withdraw as a candidate less than forty-three days prior to the date of the general election such attempted withdrawal is a nullity and void and his name is to be printed on the general election ballot.
217-76 Nov 4 Opinion letter to the Honorable Donald L. Manford
221-76 Nov 23 Opinion letter to Mr. Raymond M. Weber
223-76 Dec 22 TAXATION.
None of the commissions provided for collectors of third and fourth class counties not having township organization under the provisions of the subsections of Section 52.260, RSMo Supp. 1975, apply to the collection of current delinquent taxes and such collectors are entitled to only the commissions provided in Section 52.290, RSMo, for collecting such taxes.
224-76 Dec 21 Opinion letter to the Honorable James C. Kirkpatrick
226-76 Nov 23 Opinion letter to Dr. Arthur L. Mallory