Websites for Parents

Websites to Help Keep our Children Safer Online

  • INOBTR “I Know Better” is Missouri’s public awareness initiative to help keep children safe online.
  • – (1-800-THE-LOST) The 911 of the Internet, the resource to report cybercrimes.
  • uses an animated icon/mascot named Faux Paw the Techno Cat to teach children and parents the importance of protecting personal information and avoiding inappropriate places on the Internet.
  • NetSmartz is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s (NCMEC) Internet Safety Resource and education program targeting children K-12, parents and educators.
  • Project Safe Childhood (PSC) is a nationwide Department of Justice initiative designed to protect children from online exploitation and abuse.
  • Web Wise Kids (WWK) is a non-profit organization specializing in providing easy to use, school approved Internet safety education for youth ages 11 – 16.
  • Net Safe Teens – a website with games, videos, quizzes and comics that apply to using the Internet wisely. It’s a fun, safe way to introduce Digital Citizenship to teens and pre-teens.
  • Facebook Data Use Policy – How to Set Your Privacy Settings
  • Twitter Privacy Policy – How to Set Your Privacy Settings

Examples of Perpetrators Who Used Technology to Coerce, Deceive and Victimize Missouri Teens

Do you know Net Lingo?

Do you recognize IM phrases such as, Want 2 meet f2f? TTYL! P911! or PAW? Get familiar with “net lingo” and know what your kids are typing.

Visit or for more details.