Resident/Patient Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Complaint

Home 9 Divisions 9 Medicaid Fraud 9 Resident/Patient Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Complaint

Complete the form below to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Division.

Please understand that the Attorney General is not your private attorney, but enforces public safety laws. By submitting this form you agree to testify in court to the facts stated in this complaint. Please complete this complaint form in as much detail as possible.

A PDF version is available for printing and mailing.

Resident/Patient Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation Complaint

Your Contact Information


Complaint Information

My complaint is against a (Check One):
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Your Employer Information

The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit ("MFCU") of the Attorney General's Office has authority to investigate and prosecute allegations of fraud against Missouri's Medicaid program. Specifically, the MFCU investigates individuals and companies that provide health care services to MO HealthNet participants. If you wish to participate in the whistleblower program described in Section 191.907, RSMo, you must complete and return a Whistleblower Application. You will not be entitled to any proceeds of a recovery by this office if you do not do so. To request this application, please select the box below and a Whistleblower Application will be mailed to the address you provided on page one (1) of this Complaint Form.
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