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Andrew Bailey
Missouri Attorney General
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Attorney General Bailey Urges Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners to Protect Minors

Home 9 Press Release 9 Attorney General Bailey Urges Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners to Protect Minors

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey directed a letter to the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners, urging the Board members to abide by their constitutional duty to enforce recently passed legislation to protect children from experimental gender transition interventions. The letter comes after the City Council of Kansas City announced that it will abdicate its legal duty to enforce the law and asked the Board to flout its legal duties.

In his letter, Attorney General Bailey notes that “Children are identifying as transgender in numbers that have skyrocketed in the last few years. These children deserve evidence-based, well-established care, not irreversible, experimental interventions already rejected by health authorities in many countries.”

The letter also highlights the lack of solid medical evidence supporting the Kansas City Council’s decision. He states “Unfortunately, with the backing of the City Council of Kansas City, some organizations in Missouri are harming children in their pursuit of ideology over science. But the General Assembly has spoken.”

He concludes the letter with the promise that “It is the Board’s constitutional duty to enforce the law and ensure that children are protected from these dangerous, experimental gender transition interventions. As Missouri’s top legal officer, I will take any legal action necessary against the City to ensure our state laws are enforced.”

The full letter can be read here